Monday, December 14, 2015

Consumer Rights


Consumer Rights

Q1. What are consumer rights?

Ans-     Consumer rights are the basic rights granted to a consumer in order to protect them from being exploited by the seller.

Q2. Who are producers and consumers ?

Ans. We participate in the market both as producers and consumers.

2. As producers of goods and services we could be working in any of the sectors such as agriculture, industry or services.

3. Consumers participate in the market when they purchase goods and services that they need. These are the final goods that people as consumers use.

 Q3. What are the various ways by which consumers are being exploited by the sellers?

Ans-    1. High prices- Traders can charge a price higher the price prevailing in the market because of the ignorance and urgency of the customer.

            2. Underweight and under measurement- By their cleverness, some traders cheat the customers by resorting to underweight and under-measurement tactics.

            3. Substandard quality- Some traders cheat the customers by giving them articles of substandard quality.

            4. Adulteration and impurity- In order to earn high profits, some manufactures of oil, ghee, butter etc. scoop to adulteration.

           5. Poor after scale service- Many devices like washing machine, refrigerator etc. need adequate after scale service but the supplier fail to provide the requisite- after scale service and resort to delaying tactics.

Q4. Why is there a need for rules and regulations in the market ?

Ans. Rules and regulations are required for the protection of the consumers in the marketplace.

2) Individual consumers often find themselves in a week position.

3) Whenever there is a complaint regarding a good or service that had been bought, the seller tries to shift all the responsibility on to the buyer.

4) Hence, there is a need for rules and regulations to ensure protection for consumers.

Q5. What factors led to the growth of consumer movement in India ?

Ans.  1. The consumer movement arose out of dissatisfaction of the consumers as many unfair practices were being indulged in by the sellers.

2. There was no legal system available to consumers to protect them from exploitation in the market place.

3. It was preassumed that it was the responsibility of consumers to be careful while buying a commodity or service.

4. In india , the consumers movement as a social force originated with the necessity of protecting and promoting the interests of consumers against unethical and unfair trade practices.

Q6.  Trace the evolution of the consumer movement in India .


   Describe the activities taken under consumer movement during 1960s and 1970s. What was its result ?

Ans. 1. Rampant food shortages , hoarding, black marketing , adulteration of food and edible oil gave birth to the consumer movement in an organized form in the 1960s.

2. Till the 1970s consumer organizations were largely engaged in writing articles and holding exhibitions.

3. They formed consumer groups to look into the malpractices in ration shops and overcrowding in the road passenger transport.

4. Because of all these efforts , the movement succeded in bringing pressure on business , firms as well as government to correct business conduct. A major step taken in 1986 by the Indian government was the enactment of the Consumer Protection Act 1986, popularly known as COPRA.

Q7. State the five features of COPRA.

Ans. Consumer Protection Act ( COPRA) was enacted by the government of India in 1986.

2.  Under this act consumer redressel agencies were established at national , state and district levels. These agencies were required to solve a case within 3 months.

3. A separate consumer awareness ministry was established in the cabinet under this act.

4. The most important feature of COPRA was the establishment of a three tier quasi judicial machinery at the district, state and national levels.

5. Under this act few rights called as consumer rights were guaranteed to all the consumers in India.

Q8. Write a short note on

a)       Right to safety

·                While using many goods  and services, we as consumers, have the right to be protected against the marketing of goods and delivery of services that are hazardous to life and property.

·                Producers need to strictly follow the required safety rules and regulations.

b)      Right to be Informed

Consumers have the right to be informed about the particulars of goods and services that they purchase consumers can then complain and ask for compensation or replacement if the product prove to be defective in any manner.

c)       Right to Choose

Any consumer who receives a service in whatever capacity, regardless of age, gender and nature of service, has the right to choose whether to continue to receive the service or not similarly in case of buying product it is completely a choice of the buyer to decide what product to be brought and in what quantity.

d)      Right to seek Redressal


Consumers have the right to seek redressal against unfair trade practices and exploitation. If any damage is done to a consumer, she has the right to get compensation depending on the degree of damage.

e)       Right to represent

·                Consumer Protection Act has enabled us to represent in the consumer courts.

·                Under COPRA a three –tier quasi-judicial machinery at the district , state and national levels was set up for redressal of consumer disputes.

·                The  district level court deals with the cases involving claims and RS 1 crore and the national level court deals with cases involving claims excedding   Rs 1 crore.

·                If a case is dismissed in district level court, the consumer can also appeal in state and then in National level courses.

Q9. How can consumer be protected from Hazardous goods or services ?

Ans. While using many goods  and services, we as consumers, have the right to be protected against the marketing of goods and delivery of services that are hazardous to life and property.

2.         Producers need to strictly follow the required safety rules and regulations.

Eg. Pressure cookers have a safety valve which, if it is defective, can cause a serious  accident. The manufacturers of the safety valve have to ensure high quality of valve used.

Q10. What information is needed on the packed goods ?


What kind of information / detail is provided to a consumer with respect to a product ?

Ans.  When we  buy any commodity, we will find certain details given on the

packing. These details are about ingredients used, price, batch number, date of manufacture, expiry  date and the address of the manufacturer.

2.  When we buy medicines, on the packets, we  might find ‘directions for proper use’ and  information relating to side effects and risks associated with usage of that medicine.  

3. When you buy garments, we  will find information on  ‘instructions for washing’.


Q11. Write a short note on RTI .


How has the Right to Information been expanded to cover various services provided by the government ?

Ans.  The right to information has been expanded to cover various services provided by the Government. In October 2005, the Government of India enacted a law, popularly known as RTI (Right to Information) Act, which ensures its

citizens all the information about the  functions of government departments.  

Q12. Write a short note on consumer forums .

Ans.  The consumer movement in India has led to the formation of various

organisations locally known as consumer forums or consumer protection councils. They guide  consumers on how to file cases in the consumer court. On many occasions,  they also represent individual consumers in the consumer courts.

These voluntary organisations also receive financial support from the

government for creating awareness among the people.  


Q13. What is the judicial structure of consumer disputes in India ?

Ans. Under COPRA, a three-tier quasijudicial machinery at the district,

state and national levels was set up for redressal of consumer disputes.

1.          The district level court deals with the cases involving claims upto Rs 20


2.         the state level courts between Rs 20 lakhs and Rs 1 crore .

3.         the national level court deals with cases involving claims exceeding Rs 1 crore.

If a case is dismissed in district level court, the consumer can also appeal

in state and then in National level  courts.


Q14. Why is there a need for consumer awareness ? What steps the government is taking in this respect ?


Ans. When we as consumers become conscious of our rights, while purchasing various goods and services, we will be able to discriminate and make informed choices. This calls for acquiring the knowledge and skill to become a

well-informed consumer.

Advertisements in newspapers and magazines , posters published by the government, awareness through electronic media like television etc are the various steps that the government is taking in this respect.

Q15. Critically examine the progress of consumer movement in India .


What are the limitations / drawbacks of the consumer movements / organizations / COPRA in India ?


“The  consumer redressal process is becoming cumbersome, expensive and time consuming”. Explain


Ans. The  consumer redressal process is becoming cumbersome, expensive and time consuming.

2.  Many a time, consumers are required to engage lawyers.

3.  In most purchases cash memos are not issued hence evidence is not easy to gather.

4.  The existing laws also are not very clear on the issue of compensation to consumers injured by defective products.

5.  After more than 25 years  of the enactment of COPRA, consumer

awareness in India is spreading but slowly.

6.  The enforcement of laws that protect workers, especially in the unorganised sectors is weak.

7.  Rules and regulations for working of markets are often not followed.

Q16. Why are quality measurements used to satisfy a consumer ?

Ans. While buying many commodities, on the cover, you might have seen a logo with the letters ISI, Agmark or Hallmark.

2. These logos and certification help consumers get assured of quality while purchasing the goods and services.

3. The organisations that monitor and issue these certificates allow producers to use their logos provided they follow certain quality standards.

4.         Though these organisations develop quality standards for many products, it is

not compulsory for all the producers to follow standards.

5.          However, for some products that affect the health and safety of consumers or of products of mass consumption like LPG cylinders, food colours and additives, cement, packaged drinking water, it is mandatory on the part of the producers to get certified by these organizations.

Q17. How do you exercise the right to seek redressal ?

Ans.  Consumers have the right to seek redressal against unfair trade

practices and exploitation.

      2.  If any damage is done to a consumer, she has the right to get compensation

depending on the degree of damage.

3.         There is a need to provide an easy and effective public system by which this

            can be done.

Q18.  Write a note on Consumers International .

Ans. In 1985 United Nations adopted the UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection. This was a tool for nations to adopt measures to protect consumers and for consumer advocacy groups to press their governments to do so. At the international level, this has become the foundation for consumer movement. Today, Consumers International has become an umbrella body to over 220 member organizations from over 115 countries.


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